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A total of 9 records were found for Marriage

Marriage is the lawful union of two persons to the exclusion of all others.

LawNow is a bi-monthly digital public legal education magazine which has been  published by the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta for almost 40 years.  Its articles  and columns are written in plain language and take a practical look at how the law relates to the every day lives of Canadians.In each issue, LawNow’s family law column takes a look at a specific topic in this area of law and explains it clearly and concisely.

Related keywords: Child support, Common law relationships, Custody and access, Family law general resources, Marriage, Self-representation, Spousal support

Alberta Resources

This resource is from the Student Legal Services and includes information about; Your Legal Name; Changing Your Own Name (including getting married or Adult Interdependent Relationship); Naming Your Child; and Changing Your Child's Name and Referral Numbers (related to changing your name). This resource is also available to downloaded as a PDF.

Related keywords: Common law relationships, Divorce and separation, Marriage

This online resource about Family law is provided by Legal Aid Alberta. It includes information about: marriage and 'common law relationships'; divorce; property rights, and guardianship of children; and explains some of the differences between a marriage and an Adult Interdependent Relationship.

Related keywords: Common law relationships, Divorce and separation, Guardianship and trusteeship, Marriage

This online resource is provided by Service Alberta. It contains information about: Before You Get Married; Contacting a Marriage Officiant; Marriage Ceremony Requirements; Civil Ceremonies; Religious Ceremonies; as well as information about: Marriage Documents; Married Last Name; Marriage Commissioner Listing; Marriage Licenses; Marriage Officiants; Ordering Marriage Certificates and Documents; Permanent Marriage Commissioner Appointments; Registration of Marriages; Religious Organizations and Clergy Registration; Temporary Marriage Commissioner Appointments; and a link to the Vital Statistics Office.

Related keywords: Marriage

This online resource is from the Student Legal Services of Edmonton.  Includes information about what Marriage is and property within a Marriage. This resource is also available to download as a PDF.

Related keywords: Marriage

On this webpage Service Alberta provides information on who is elgible, how to make a legal change of name, what are the costs involved, and what to do after you apply.

Related keywords: Common law relationships, Divorce and separation, Marriage

These FAQs are provided by the Canadian Legal FAQs, a website of the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta. They provide answers to questions about the laws related to getting married in Alberta.

Related keywords: Marriage

Vital Statistics, a division of Service Alberta, regulates the registration of all vital events that occur in Alberta such as births, deaths, marriages, and legal changes of name. In addition, the Vital Statistics office is responsible for the registration of religious organizations and clergy who perform marriages, marriage commissioner appointments and providing burial permits. The office also processes delayed registration events and amendments to event records.

Many Vital Statistics' services are also provided through the registry agent network, including the issuance of marriage licences and applications for birth, marriage and death certificates. 

Related keywords: Family law general resources, Marriage, Provincial and territorial government departments, Statistics

These "How old do I have to be?" FAQs are provided by the Canadian Legal FAQs, a website of the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta. They provide answers for youth about age-related issues under various topics: family, criminal, medical and health related, legal and financial, activities (such as driving), school and work.

Related keywords: Adoption, Bullying, Common law relationships, Divorce and separation, Drugs and alcohol, Guardianship and trusteeship, Health issues, Landlord and tenant, Marriage, Wills and estates, Youth criminal justice