Free Domestic Violence resource that CPLEA offers that are available in either Print or as a Download.
These resources provide general legal information to those dealing with Domestic Violence in Alberta. These material do NOT provide legal advice!
Refers to any form of physical, emotional, financial, or sexual abuse against spouses, elder family members, or children. General resources relate to family violence in general, that is they cover a broad range of subjects within family violence.
To find information on specific aspects of family violence, choose from the list of keywords below.
Free Domestic Violence resource that CPLEA offers that are available in either Print or as a Download.
These resources provide general legal information to those dealing with Domestic Violence in Alberta. These material do NOT provide legal advice!
The Centre provides group treatment, counselling, advocacy, and education to reduce the incidents of family violence and increase awareness and understanding of family violence and its impact.
This service is offered by the Government of Alberta, Family Violence Prevention Unit. Trained staff can help get you to safety and give you information on supports and financial aid.
If you think someone you know is experiencing family violence, reach out by calling or texting the Family Violence Info Line at 310-1818, toll-free 24/7, or using the confidential online chat. Phone services are available in more than 170 languages.
This section of the Government of Alberta: Family Violence website is dedicated to the prevention of family violence and bullying. The page provides activities and resources to help prevent family violence and domestic violence, and support healthy relationships.
This online tutorial created by the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta provides information about giving evidence in a criminal trial (includes some particular references to giving evidence about abuse).
HomeFront is a non-profit organization that collaborates with the justice system, police and community partners to reduce domestic violence in Calgary and the surrounding area. The Domestic Violence Intervention & Resource Team (DVIRT) provide victims support through the court process. Their services are provided free of charge. You must be referred to them by the Calgary Police Services.
The Office of the Child and Youth Advocate (OCYA) is an independent office of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, mandated to work with vulnerable young people.
This includes young people receiving or attempting to access services under the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act and the Protection of Sexually Exploited Children Act; or who are involved with the youth justice system.
Sagesse assists women who have experienced domestic violence or are at risk of being abused. They empower individuals, organizations and communities to break the cycle of domestic violence by curating environments to heal and lead safe, healthy lives . The literal translation of Sagesse is wisdom.The agency encourages the wisdom to seek help, to support and connect, to share knowledge, to self-reflect, and lastly, to create space for healing, learning, and growth.
This handbook from Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre provides information on a range of legal subjects of interest to seniors (people who are 65 years of age and older). It is written in “plain English” and is intended as a basic resource for seniors, their friends, relatives and advocates. In a question-answer format, the handbook provides an overview of issues facing seniors, including abuse, mental health, guardianship and trusteeship, personal directives, powers of attorney and consumer protection. Includes a glossary and list of senior-serving agencies in Alberta. (PDF - 150 pages, 2010)
This online tutorial created by the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta provides information about the structure of a trial after making a criminal complaint.
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