This booklet provides information on the Alberta Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act and explains what happens when someone calls Child and Family Services on their family.
Molestation or ill-treatment suffered by a child.
Alberta Resources
This online resource is from the Student Legal Services of Edmonton. Includes information about: What is the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act?; General Information; Appeals; Frequently Asked Questions. This resource is also available for download as a PDF.
This information page is prepared by Calgary Legal Guidance discusses the protection of children under the Child Welfare Act. Where a child is suspected of abuse or neglect, the matter must be reported to protective services. The Child Welfare Act requires that anyone who reasonably suspects that the “survival, security or development of a child is endangered” must report the matter. Examples of abuse and neglect include physical abuse, cruel treatment, improper care, food or medical attention, abandonment and an inability to control the child.
The Distress Centre offers a main crisis and addictions line as well as specialty phone lines providing crisis intervention and information and referral services 24/7, 365 days a year. Short-term crisis counseling is also available in person. 24 hour Crisis Line 403-266-4357.
This service is offered by the Government of Alberta, Family Violence Prevention Unit. Trained staff can help get you to safety and give you information on supports and financial aid.
If you think someone you know is experiencing family violence, reach out by calling or texting the Family Violence Info Line at 310-1818, toll-free 24/7, or using the confidential online chat. Phone services are available in more than 170 languages.
The Office of the Child and Youth Advocate (OCYA) is an independent office of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, mandated to work with vulnerable young people.
This includes young people receiving or attempting to access services under the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act and the Protection of Sexually Exploited Children Act; or who are involved with the youth justice system.
This brochure is produced by Leduc Victims Services to prepare and assist parents in the event they are confronted with child sexual abuse or exploitation in their family.
In August 2016, the Residential Tenancies (Safer Spaces for Victims of Domestic Violence) Amendment Act, Termination of Tenancy (Domestic Violence) Regulation, and amendments to the RTA Ministerial Regulation, were proclaimed. These changes to the RTA allow victims of domestic violence to end a tenancy early and without financial penalty. This legislation applies in cases where if the tenancy continues: • The tenant’s safety is at risk; • A dependant child’s safety is at risk; or • A protected adult’s safety is at risk.
Responding to Child Abuse in Alberta: A Handbook , provides guidelines around the reporting and investigation of child abuse, with the goal of ensuring the safety and well being of Alberta's children. The handbook was jointly developed by the Ministers of Health and Wellness, Education, Children's Services, Justice and Attorney General, and Solicitor General and Public Security, in consultation with organizations and professionals that provide services for children.This handbook covers: how to recognize abuse and neglect, how to respond to a disclosure of abuse or neglect from a child, how to report abuse and neglect and intervene, how investigations are undertaken and the role of service providers, the rules governing the sharing of information among service providers, and the importance of collaboration among all those working with children and families
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