Information for parents or guardians on the legal requirements when travelling abroad with a minor.
This section features resources about driving in Alberta. As well, this section includes information about travelling with children, air travel and transportation for people with disabilities and information about international travel. As far as legal topics related to leisure, check out the resource about sports and the law.
The resources on this page were hand-picked by the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta's staff as a good place to start.
You may also find helpful resources listed under these legal topics: Travel, Transportation, Driving, Sports
CPLEA Suggested Resources
Not sure where to begin finding answers to your questions. Get started with our suggested resources. See additional resources below for more information.
The Sport law and Strategy Group is a consulting company offering consulting services and educational programs related to organizational governance, values management, risk assessment, mediation and arbitration, policy development, business and employment issues and change management. Their website includes articles on legal topics of interest to athletes, coaches and recreation workers such as bullying/harassment, conflict of interest, defamation, employment, equity/discrimination, liability, procedural fairness and so forth.
Veuillez noter que Dina Bell-Laroche et Rachel Corbett sont bilingues et sont capables de fournir leurs services également en français.
The Transportation Association of Canada is a national association with a mission to promote the provision of safe, efficient, effective and environmentally and financially sustainable transportation services in support of Canada's social and economic goals.
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