Background information and resources for teachers and students on lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-identified youth. Includes applicable laws; suitable for grades 9 and up.
For resources that are related to the Alberta curriculum, see LawCentralSchools.
Alberta Resources
These guidelines support the creation of welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments that foster diversity and nurture a sense of belonging and a positive sense of self . Their purpose is to enable school authorities to use best practices in creating and supporting learning environments that respect diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions. (January 2016)
This project of the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre provides teacher’s guides, student materials, videos and a bibliography of online resources to help students and teachers in junior and senior high schools to explore the topics of discrimination, sexual harassment and human rights.
The John Howard Society of Alberta is a non-profit agency concerned with the problem of crime and its prevention. The organization takes its name and spirit from the 18th century humanitarian John Howard, whose name has become a symbol of humane consideration for prisoners. It was incorporated in 1949, and today the organization consists of six separately incorporated districts along with the Provincial Office. The website provides information about the services available in each of these districts.
Nothing can replace the experience a student will have when they come face to face with the faded parchment and King Edward’s ancient royal seal of Durham Cathedral’s Magna Carta. This feature article found in the Nov/Dec 2015 issue of LawNow magazine was written as a guide to Magna Carta for Alberta teachers.
This manual was developed by the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre. It provides background information for teachers and activities on human rights, the Charter, discrimination, bullying and harassment and applicable laws, suitable for secondary school students (Grades 7 to 12). It may be used with the ACLRC's The Respectful Me, Respectful You DVD and guidebook. Includes reproducible handouts. 2014
This activity sheet is a twist on the classic children’s game that helps players learn how to make smart privacy choices by climbing up a ladder when they make a good decision or sliding down a snake because they have shared a password with a friend, for example.
The Student Legal Services Legal Education Project (Edmonton, AB) manifests itself in three main ways: lectures, mock trials, and summer law camps. Presentations to school classes can be scheduled to fit class time, upon discussion between the teacher and the Student Legal Services co-ordinator. For more information on the opportunities offered by the Project check out thier website
The mock trial program is intended to provide a simulation of a real courtroom experience. During the trial, students take on the roles of lawyers, court clerks, witnesses, and jury members. Resource materials are provided to teachers to help them support their students in preparing for their mock trial experience. Contains "teacher only" information as well as student handouts. Mock trials currently available for junior and senior high classes.
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